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TWD - Classic Banana Bundt Cake

Welcome, welcome! Look at me. Actually baking and blogging about a Tuesdays with Dorie recipe. :) You can all quit staring in shock and disbelief now. This week's recipe, Classic Banana Bundt Cake, was chosen by Mary of The Food Librarian.

Now, let me start by saying that not only did I actually make this recipe, but I made it yesterday even. That's right. I didn't wait until the last minute. Good thing too. So yesterday I drop Sean off at chess camp (yes, chess camp) and then run to the grocery store for a few items that I know I need for the recipe. Namely bananas and sour cream. I'm just hoping that the grocery store has relatively ripe bananas (they did!). Kade crashes on the way home, so I take the s-l-o-w route there to give him a little longer to sleep (he is the anti-nap child).

I don't usually take the time to take a picture with all of the ingredients lined up beforehand. I'm glad I decided to this time. Look at the picture below. Do you see anything missing?

No? Let me help you, then.

That's right. No sugar. How could I have run out of sugar? I was sure there was plenty in the cabinet. But no. Sigh. I could have run back to the store right then, but probably wouldn't have had time to get the cake baked before I had to leave to pick Sean up from camp. So I waited. And waited, until Sean was in Tae Kwon Do class. Lesson learned - double check the pantry for ingredients! I finally got the cake in the oven about 7pm. Ah sure smelled heavenly while baking!!

Since I was ahead of the game, at least a little, I was able to let it set overnight to let the flavors develop, as Dorie suggests in her book. I reluctantly wrapped it in plastic wrap once it cooled (reluctantly because I really wanted to dig in!). Kade and I split a piece this morning. And I realized my lifelong search was over! See, when I was little my grandmother had a friend that would visit a few times a year. She would always bring this delicious banana bread with her. I've always wanted to replicate that bread -- it's been like the holy grail of baking for me -- but I've never found a recipe that was close...until now. If I'd added some pecans to it, and baked it in loaf pans, this would be perfect. So apparently, I've been looking for the wrong thing. I needed to be looking for banana cake, not banana bread. Who knew? I do!! As you can imagine, this recipe is definitely a keeper for me. :)

You can check out Mary's post, with the recipe, here and be sure to check out what all the other

TWD bakers did with this week's recipe!



Jules Someone said…
What willpower! Your cake looks lovely!
Flourchild said…
Great looking cake. I hate that when I have one ingredient missing. I usually run to the neighbors house. I think its great your child plays chess!
Pamela said…
First of all, my sympathies to you on your anti-nap child! Dont' they know how much WE need their nap?? :o) I'm glad that this cake is what you were looking for. It's fabulous, isn't it?
Kayte said…
Oh, I love this's so much fun to see the labels on products...weird, I know, but I just think that is always a great photo. That slice of cake looks like perfection, inside and out! Great job!
Christi said…
And let me just add this cake tasted DIVINE!!!! WOW, Katy feel free to visit(and drag me out of bed) with a loaf ANYTIME. I will supply the coffee!

Thanks again for sharing! ;)
Anonymous said…
It looks great! It seems like I either am almost out of sugar or flour, or I've got two bags of it in the pantry!
Cecille Ericta said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cecille Ericta said…
I almost forgot the yogurt myself, so it wasn't on my mise en place photo! Your cake looks wonderful, and yeah, I wish I did what you did and make it ahead of time.. went to sleep at 3 this morning, haha!

Happy baking!
Anonymous said…
That slice of banana bundt cake looks delicious! I keep looking at the swirl in the middle... (I like the hint showing us what was missing!)
Katrina said…
Great looking cake. Great tasting cake. I loved it, too!

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