I recently read that February 23, 2010 is National Pancake Day. Upon further research I discovered that this is actually the IHOP National Pancake Day, in honor of Shrove Tuesday. Except that this year, Shrove Tuesday actually falls on February 16, 2010. According to IHOP's website, they are changing the date of their celebration to extend their fundraising efforts for Children's Miracle Network. See...reading my blog brings you a wealth of information. ;)
Now, if you asked my kids, they would likely say National Pancake Day should be celebrated everyday. And in fact, we typically celebrate it at least once per week! Although I have my "go-to" recipes, I'm always up for trying a new one. (Many) Thanks to Christi, I have my very own copy of the Pioneer Woman's cookbook!! In it, there is a recipe for sour cream pancakes. This came in very handy a few weeks ago, when I didn't have regular milk or buttermilk on hand, but did have some sour cream in the fridge.
I will admit that I was skeptical of this recipe, calling for so little flour and no butter or oil in the batter itself. It turned out well, but I still prefer buttermilk pancakes. Part of the problem may have been that my sour cream was in the very back of the top shelf of my refrigerator, and had started to develop ice crystals in it!! This is a constant issue I have with items on the top shelf... Anyway, this is a recipe worth trying and I will probably try it again with some non-frozen sour cream!! Depending on how many pancakes you need for your family, you might want to double the recipe. I didn't make a note of how many I got from the recipe, but it was barely enough for us.
If you don't have this cookbook yet, you really should check it out, even if only for the photography (although the recipes are great too!).
Edna Mae's Sour Cream Pancakes
adapted from The Pioneer Woman Cooks
1 cup sour cream
7 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
maple or pancake syrup
Head a griddle or iron skillet over medium heat. Gently stir together the sour cream, flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt; do not over mix.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and vanilla. Pour the egg mixture into the sour cream mixture and stir gently to combine.
Melt butter in your skillet or griddle. Pour the batter onto the skillet, about 1/4 cup at a time. Cook 1-2 minutes, flip and cook for another minute or until done. Repeat with remaining batter. Serve with additional butter and syrup.
I've seen that pancake recipe floating around now, and I appreciate your honest review. The small amount of flour does seem suspicious -