You might have noticed that I haven't been posting about Tuesdays with Dorie lately. I thought I should give an official update about that.
See, I joined TWD when the group was a year old. I was so excited! I've learned new things, and made dishes I never thought I would. And I've found some new friends along the way. :)
However, lately I just haven't been able to keep up. I've taken a few breaks, due to being pregnant and having a baby, and picked back up here and there. I thought I could do it. I really did. But one of my more (or less!) endearing traits is the habit of over extending myself. It's something I've done all my life! I'm learning to say "no"...occasionally!
Since I didn't post enough in October or November, I have been officially removed from the TWD blogroll. At first I thought about protesting, then I pouted, then I decided that maybe it was for the best. I have enough commitments as it is, and frankly, I think it's easier on my mental health when I can bake what I want, when I want to! ;)
I absolutely love Dorie Greenspan and her books, and I've loved being a part of Tuesdays with Dorie. I'll still be baking along when I can, just unofficially! And now I can catch up on all those yummy recipes that I've missed for one reason or another.
