On Tuesday I had lunch with some former co-workers. We went to this little cafe, and I enjoyed warm food and conversation with wonderful company - two great people that I haven't seen nearly enough of in the last few years. I was also reminded that I am Katy. Meaning, I am more than "just a mom". My children each carry a piece of my soul around with them. That will never change. But there is more to me than "mom." However, being a mom and now a homeschooling mom has consumed so much of my energy, that I've had a tendency to forget about Katy, about my dreams and desires. So, when I decided to make the time to get some cookies created and post about them today, it felt that much better to slip on my purple apron, turn on some music, and dance around the kitchen while baking up these treats. I'm a sap, I know, I hear it from my husband all the time! While we were at the cafe on Tuesday, we tried several differ...