I don't know about you, but when I search for new recipes to try, I also like to read reviews from other people that have actually tried them. I think that's why websites such as food.com and allrecipes are popular -- you post a recipe, others try it and leave reviews. That's essentially what food blogging is all about -- sharing experiences with food. But, I think a lot of us (myself included, if you include me as a food blogger, lol) tend to only want to post our own recipes, or our own take on the recipes of others.
My husband claims that I can't follow a recipe to save my life. That's not entirely true. I do occasionally follow a recipe as written...sometimes...maybe. :) A lot of times I do feel like I change the recipe enough to call it "adapted" or "inspired by". Sometimes though? Yeah, changing one ingredient isn't really enough to make it my own. Those are the recipes I'm going to be talking about today. Ones that I've tried, that my family liked enough to make it to the "keep" file.
I started reading food blogs because they are about real food written by real people. That's what I am -- a real person, with a real family that often has really picky tastes. Here are some of the recipes we've tried recently, and my thoughts on them.
- I don't know why it took me so long to try the Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos from Our Best Bites, because they are dang good! My family prefers flour tortillas, so that's they way I make them. My BFF & her family prefers corn, so that's what she uses. Honestly, I never make the dressing, though it sounds very good. We usually dip in salsa or queso. I've also done a version of the taquitos using regular salsa and taco seasoning mix and they were quite good as well.
- Also from Our Best Bites, we really like the Stuffed Pizza Rolls (or pizza bites, as I call them). They are a blast to make with the kids, by the way. I use my favorite pizza dough and sauce recipes, but OBB is where I first saw the idea.
- The Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken Wings from Steamy Kitchen rock, and I don't really even like chicken wings! I've done the same thing with chicken legs and it was very good as well. The kiddos and hubby loved it too. I did use Italian herb mix instead of just rosemary.
- The Maple Pecan Pancakes from the $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook (which I found via Once a Month Mom) were a favorite of mine, even if the Munchkin didn't like them. The other kiddos did though! I did freeze some of them and it was handy to have them ready to heat up for breakfast in a rush.
- I love the Light & Airy Whole Grain Biscuits from Simple Scratch (I also love many of the recipes at her other blog, In Jennie's Kitchen). I don't think I'd ever even heard of spelt flour before reading that recipe, but now I always have some on hand and make these biscuits quite frequently.
Ok, those are seriously just a few of the recipes that I've gathered from other food bloggers. What are some of your recent faves?
Enjoy! :)

Happy blogoversary :)